🙌 Welcoming a trial with GIFs

Greet signups in a way that makes them feel connected to your team

There’s a lot said about the speed at which you outreach to a new lead. Without question, you need to be fast. But what if your competition is just as quick as you are? What then?

Welcoming a trailing lead in a way that personally connects them to you and your team can be a powerful way to build rapport and signal to the prospect that you care more than most.

If you’re one of the teams lucky enough to work trailing leads, these are for you:

Here’s Michael at Fivetran reaching out to a Alex after noticing they had just signed up for a trial

From: Michael
To: Alex
Subject: Welcome to Fivetran, Alex

Hey Alex 👋

In truth I did a double take.

Thank you for signing up KnifeCo with Fivetran!

I’m Michael, and I'm here to help you get the most out of your trial :)

It's very rare I get to speak with a company that I'm actually a customer and huge fan of, can you tell?

I'm very interested in learning more about your use case and current data stack - I’d like you to pull as much value out of this experience as possible

Would you find it helpful to get connected over a call and chat through best use of the trial?

Looking forward to working with you ⁠Michael 👋


All things being equal (speed to lead across competitors), intention, and the way you communicate it, counts more than ever.

Alex likely signed up for a few trials recently. Any informed buyer would. But Michael has ensured that his outreach stands out and hits a chord with the prospect.

Buyers are humans, too. Injecting personality into outreach, especially at the early stages of a trial, helps to humanise the buying experience and clearly express Michael’s intentions - to go the extra mile and help!

And at the end of day, Michael’s having fun with his GIF! He’s called out the prospect’s product here, but he sends these to most signups, generally commenting on the fact they’ve signed up.

Here’s Will jumping in and sharing the SupportCo love with Megan, a new lead that’s just signed up to trial

From: Will
To: Megan
Subject: Welcome to SupportCo, Megan

Spotted that you just signed up for a trial with us.

Figured no better way to welcome you than a cheeky dance!

I spend most of my time working closely with support managers, helping them extract as much value as possible from SupportCo.

During the trial, what’s most important for you to experience and figure out?

Depending on what you came for, I’ll ensure you get the resources and advice you need to make this a good use of time!


The last trial signup email Megan received was likely a wall of product pitching text, with a throw away calendar link to book time with an SDR…

In contrast, at SupportCo he’s greeted by a friendly face, genuinely excited to have his business, and a sincere request to learn more about what he cares about. There’s a big difference.

By using a GIF of him dancing, Will is showing Megan a side of himself that words alone couldn’t have.

The chances of having a meaningful engagement with Megan, and helping him make the most of his trial, just went way up

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